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About Piece & Quiet

The inspiration for

design could be anything; a feeling, a place, a small item, the weather. The cognitive design process usually evolves over several days, once the initial seed of a quilt has been sown.

Piece and Quiet was born from a long history of taking care of the most important thing in the world of strangers I never met. Working quietly, diligently and almost completely in the shadows. The outcome was imparting vital, often life changing knowledge. Creating these quilts is an organic progression of the drive to change someone’s life for the better. Taking their most valued textiles and producing something that brings daily joy.

Creating quilts from textiles that have meaning to me proved, expectedly, challenging. With memories and emotions pouring out of the fabric, this made the necessary deconstruction process almost physically painful. Doing this for others is an honour and joyful privilege.

Piece and Quiet was born out of a strong desire to translate something wonderful, beautiful but intangible into something physical, tactile and comforting, while maintaining the beauty.

The insipration for a quilt could come from anywhere, from a place, an emotion, an object, a view, the weather. The cognitive design process usually evolves over several days.

The building materials of a quilt can be any textiles, small pieces of material, clothes, part of clothes (so they are still wearable). Fabrics which evoke strong emotions can be transformed into something magical when they become part of a quilt. Taking an item of clothing that is worn out in areas, with rips or holes, and incorporating it into a quilt is a truely wonderful feeling.

Piece & Quiet is also built on foundations of taking care of something that means the world to a complete stranger. Working quietly, diligently, tirelessly behind the scenes and in the shadows, to get information for that person, who you never meet. Creating quilts is an organic evolution of this drive to change peoples lives for the better.

Deconstructing clothing or textiles with which you have a strong emotional connection is hard, almost physically painful at times. The finished quilt is magical, but the process can be so inhibitively painful that it might never happen. Doing this for someone else is a calling, an honour and a privilege.